Blue the New Green?
Personal care and beauty brands have been going green for some time. Now, we recycle, we compost, we eat organic, most houses even adapted solar power energy and we sure care about what we’re putting on our faces. With the up rise of going green, more natural personal care have appeared, and consumers were granted more accessibility to products that wouldn’t leave them with a guilty conscience. Now that green beauty has pretty much taken over, it’s time to move onto the next phase of clean beauty: going blue.
What is “Blue Beauty”?
Blue beauty lifestyle spotlights brands that specifically supports ocean conservation, using reef safe ingredients and moving towards zero-waste packaging, or packaging that is virtually plastic free.
Blue is the new green in clean beauty and personal care and if you’re not incorporating blue into your daily regime yet, you will be by summer. TropicSport is proud to join the blue initiative. When you use TropicSport, you are using products built on a promise to care – care for you, care for the ocean, and care for local communities who need our help. Join us and address the most pressing issues facing our planet. GO BLUE!
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